EDIA is an automated CONTENT LABELLING platform providing instant structure and insight into your content
At the heart of the platform is our Metadata API which is typically integrated with content, document or learning management systems as well as various authoring tools and editors.
Besides offering subscription services to our core API, the EDIA platform offers several tools and off-the-shelf API integrations to get started with automating metadata instantly.
Create an account on the EDIA Platform to try our our tools for free.
“Now more than ever, the quality of online learning materials should be up to par. To make sure your content meets current demands, it’s important to be aware of the educational shift that’s taking place. Content-wise, this shift consists of 3 stages.”
THE BENEFITS OF automated content labelling
Improve content discoverability
Decrease content production costs
Manage your content more effectively
Get Started today
We provide all the necessary advice and support in a form of a personal consultation or workshop identifying your content management needs and building a business case for smart content and metadata use.
Get more insights. Review our collection of case studies, reports, and more: