Stage 1: From print to digital content: what are the benefits and how can you get started?


In our previous blog post, we discussed the educational content shift, which consists of 3 stages. Now, let's have a look at the first transition: from print to digital content. What are the benefits of embarking on this journey? And what do you need to realise the change?

What digital content can bring you

If you go from print to digital content, you will no longer depend on the physicality of things. Why is this beneficial to you?

· You will shorten the time to market. There is no need to ship any pallets. You can make materials available to the world whenever you like, which means distribution is both easier and cheaper.

· Once your content is available online, you don't need to advertise it in (local) newspapers and bookstores. The world is your stage: your potential target audience is a lot wider than it used to be.

· Your content is much more accessible because it's no longer presented to people as a physical object they need to toss along. Never again will they jump on the train, only to remember they left that important textbook at home. They can access materials anywhere, as long as they are connected to the internet.

Put a label on it

What do you need to reap the benefits of this first transition? Well, you will have to create and distribute digital content. But converting a traditional warehouse packed with books is no mean feat. You'll need to reorganise and automate certain processes, which requires digital content and data management tools. For example, how will you manage your digital inventory?

First, you need a digital repository: a content management system (CMS). But that's merely a solid foundation. Your next step is to label each piece of content, keeping track of subject matter, level, and keywords, among other things. It will help you save costs and increase production, because you won't spend loads of time retrieving your content. On top of that, you'll improve your internal processes. And let's not forget labels make it a lot easier for end users to find your content.

Usually, you can also edit content in your CMS. If you go about this transition the right way, you'll immediately start using digital editors. They allow you to apply labels in real time, so authors can adapt content to existing categories. That's how you'll ultimately create a coherent digital whole!

Want to discuss how you can go from print to digital content? Don't hesitate to contact us.

If you'd like to know more about the next two transitions, keep an eye on our upcoming blog posts.